
Kids Ebooks: The Volcano Who Got The Sniffles



Kids Ebooks: The Volcano Who Got The Sniffles

Ebooks Synopsis:

Once upon a time there was a country full of volcanos, some big and others small. Most of them lazed all day, for they were inactive or better yet,
sleeping a deep slumber!

A volcano of that kind is the one that found its way to our story. Let’s call him Sleepy.
Sleepy was a quiet but very lonely volcano. He wanted to play, to run and do mischiefs but alas, he couldn’t move! His fate was to stay rooted on the place he was born.

For years the area around him was a desolate and uninhabited place, for the people
were afraid of the small volcano, should he ever exploded and hot, boiling lava came from within, destroying everything in its path.

Sleepy, however, had never even had a thought of destroying anyone and stayed forever quiet, on the same place. It was from that place that he watched as seasons changed and months went by. Summer would come and the nice heat would make him feel good. It was in autumn when he would get a little moody, watching the tree
leaves fall. When winter would arrive he liked it not one bit. It would get cold and the country would become like a frozen desert. Thankfully this would
pass quickly and spring would pay a visit again.

See also: The Boy Who Loved Boats

The people, once they realized that Sleepy was a friendly volcano at all times, started to be brave enough and built their homes and households really close to him. Sleepy was now happy all year round. But this year’s winter was a heavy one and the cold was strong. All the people walked bundled in caps and scarves, most of them having a cold.

Ebook Description

Kids Ebooks: The Volcano Who Got The Sniffles
Ebook Detail
*Size : 5.864 KB
*Pages :N/A
*Type File : pdf
*Format : Ebook 
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