
Free books: How Selling WordPress Maintenance Can Save Your Freelance Business


Free books: How Selling WordPress Maintenance Can Save Your Freelance Business

Ebooks Synopsis:

The feast and famine cycle is a constant struggle for the freelance WordPress developer.

But you can break that cycle by selling WordPress maintenance to your freelance clients. You get steady, reliable income and your clients get peace of mind. Everybody wins. And it just might save your business.

What’s WordPress Maintenance?

Are your freelance clients seeing notices to update WordPress? As a freelance developer, you know WordPress needs to be kept up to date, but too often clients don’t bother. Then you get panicked calls about hacked sites. Or some kind of oops makes a site disappear.

They want you to bring it back right now, but they never paid you to set up any kind of backup system. Or themes and plugins need to be updated but that simple click breaks something and a client needs immediate help. We’re talking about offering a monthly WordPress maintenance package to your clients. You take care of the details and your client doesn’t sweat it. To you they’re relatively minor issues, often automated and simple, but to your clients they’re businessstopping nightmares.

Ebook Description
What’s the Benefit of Selling WordPress Maintenance?

No More Feast & Famine
A freelancer should be selling WordPress maintenance because it breaks you out of that feast and famine cycle. You can have steady, recurring income each month—work you can plan for and money you can count on. No more wondering how you’re going to make it next month. No more accepting every project for fear of work drying up and suddenly you’re pulling all-nighters like the college days.

Build Relationships
A retainer is a smart way to grow your business. Instead of building one-and-done sites for clients and never seeing them again, you can build a lasting relationship with clients. Build their site and then take care of it going forward. Work More Efficiently It takes a lot of work to get new business, so make the most of it by keeping those new clients for the long haul. It’s better service to your customers and less marketing work for a busy freelancer like you.

Ebook Detail
*Size : 629 KB
*Pages :N/A
*Type File : pdf
*Format : Ebook 
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